Cellu-Stack® Lenticular Filter Cartridges
Gusmer Enterprises’ Cellu-Stack filters are a convenient way to utilize depth filtration media in an enclosed system. Offered in all Gusmer media types, these stack filters can be used for coarse, fine, and pre-sterile filtration in numerous filtration applications.
Carbac® Carbon Filter Media
Gusmer’s Carbac® filter media is a composite of the finest charge modified cellulose pulps, activated carbon powder and inorganic filter aids. An excellent substitute for loose carbon, Carbac® filter media provides you with a fast, clean, easy way to adjust color, aroma, or flavor of your products. Available in both sheet and lenticular cartridge formats.
BevReady™ Filter Cartridges
Gusmer’s BevReady Filter Cartridges provide efficient and effective particle and microorganism removal while maintaining a high level of product quality. Our cartridges are assembled and packaged in an ISO 9001 certified Class 7 clean room and their polypropylene and EPDM construction to provide robust filtration solutions.