Wort Separation and Filtration Enzymes

IFF Brewing Laminex Enzymes for beer filtration, 750, maxflow 4g, super 3g from Gusmer Enterprises

Wort Separation and Filtration Enzymes

Cellulase, beta-glucanase, xylanase, and arabinase break down non-starch polysaccharides to release more starch for conversion and reduce mash viscosity for consistent separation and filtration.
Product Details

LAMINEX® MaxFlow 4G – β-glucanase & xylanase

  • Maximum β-glucan breakdown and reduces risk of off flavor formation
  • Reduces risk of filter bed collapse
  • Robust choice for high gravity brewing and different brewing equipment
  • Application: Add directly to mash or right after at mashing in.



LAMINEX® Super 3G – β-glucanase & xylanase

  • Consistent mash separation and improved beer filtration
  • Increase capacity due to faster throughput
  • Reduces risk of haze from non-starch polysaccharides
  • Application: Add directly to mash or right after at mashing in.

 – β-glucanase

  • Active at elevated temperatures up to 90 °C
  • Reduce viscosity and β-glucan levels to improve separation and filtration
  • Highly effective for wheat inclusions
  • Application: Add directly to mash or right after at mashing in.



LAMINEX® C2K – β-glucanase, cellulase & xylanase

  • Reduce viscosity and reduce risk of haze from non-starch polysaccharides
  • Excellent for rye (60% or higher) beers
  • Application: Add directly to mash or right after at mashing in.


Please contact your Gusmer Technical Sales Rep for application guide or additional questions.

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