Gusmer News

Carbac® Carbon Filter Media – Customer’s Carbac® Success!

Carbac® filter media is an excellent substitute for loose carbon. A composite of the finest charge-modified cellulose pulps, premium activated powdered carbon, and inorganic filter aids, Carbac® is a hassle-free solution for final color, odor, and flavor adjustments in beverages and complete color removal in clear beverages. Media is available in both sheet and lenticular cartridge formats in various grades. 

Gusmer Carbon Filter Media

Customer’s Carbac® Success 

Application: Distilling 

Customer Request: Customer submitted a spirit sample with the goal of finding an optimized carbon filter grade to effectively remove color.  

Gusmer Action:  Gusmer’s Applications Group ran a variety of filtration tests to determine which Carbac® grade would give the customer their desired result.  

Results: Although both Carbac® grades tested were found to be effective at color removal, further analytical testing of samples showed Gusmer’s Carbac® 1640HCX filter media removed the most color in the tested spirit. 

Color Reduction (%)*

Base Product


1640CRM @15 Gal/hr/ft2


1640HCX @15 Gal/hr/ft2


*Results may vary depending on application

See it for yourself! 

Video Demo:  Gusmer 1640HCX Carbac® Carbon Filtration to Remove Color

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